
Save the STEAM Majors at Clayton State University

Petition richtet sich an
Clayton State University
240 Unterstützende
48% erreicht 500 für Sammelziel
240 Unterstützende
48% erreicht 500 für Sammelziel
  1. Gestartet 19.03.2024
  2. Sammlung noch > 6 Wochen
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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Clayton State University is planning to get rid of many majors under STEAM. Most notably the Chemistry, Mathematics, Political Science, Spanish, and Theater departments. Cutting these majors will gravely impact the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences, which makes up over 40% of the student body of Clayton State. The STEM department is essential to the education of all Clayton State students regardless of their major. If the programs are cut by the University all students will be negatively impacted by the consequences.


Help us by signing this petition to show your support and help save the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences A final decision is expected to be made within 10 days. Time is running out, and action must be taken now!

On Monday, March 25, 2024 at 11:15 am the President and Provost will be holding a meeting regarding the matter. The meeting will take place in the James M. Baker (University Center) building in room 260. By the Georgia Open Records Act, the general public is allowed to attend the meeting. Please come out and show support!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Clayton State University Students aus Morrow
Frage an den Initiator

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Noch kein PRO Argument.

Noch kein CONTRA Argument.

Warum Menschen unterschreiben

This petition is important to me because I am a returning student whom transferred to CSU based off the courses and majors offered. I am now convinced that I will be transferring again if budgets for the STEM majors are cut. STEM majors are now at risk and we ALL were convinced that we had chosen the perfect university for our journey though life. And to find out budgets will be cut ONLY to form a football team in which the school has not had. I feel that if the university wants a football team, they should be able to afford to do so WITHOUT cutting budgets from any programs. This is a very unfair decision and I fear Clayton state is going to lose a lot of good students if this inconvenient decision is set in stone and STEM budgets are cut. This matter is starting to stress me and interfere with my attention during classes. Please do not make this decision, STEM majors are counting on CSU to make better decisions and not let us down.

I am a part-time adult learner at Clayton State University who sees potential in the talented young people of the south Atlanta metro area who would really benefit from the resources of Clayton State University. Clayton State is an affordable and accessible school that provides opportunities for many students who’s alternatives may be slim. Please save these majors for these bright young students.

It is important to have sciences and art to be accessible to the students of Clayton county community. This creates a shortage of opportunities open for those future students/ current students to be able to pursue their career. Given that, the termination of STEM majors will not only negatively impact students, it will create a low rate of students at CSU overall for the lack of careers to choose from when applying for university/ college.

I just found out about this today. I am a Film Major and this greatly impacts me. As a student who strives to have a career in filmmaking, this is disappointing that there deciding to do this. I hope anyone who are under these programs will spread and share this petition, I as well as we can’t let this happen.

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