
UNCG MGT 491Section 5 & 6: Couse Schedule/Assignment Adjustment

Petīcija ir adresēta
North Carolina General Assembly
69 Atbalstošs

Kolekcija beidzās

69 Atbalstošs

Kolekcija beidzās

  1. Sākās februāris 2024
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Sagatavojiet iesniegšanu
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

I’m currently a senior taking 4 other classes. Unfortunately, this class is very tedious and it’s causing me to neglect my other classes. This class is intensive with the assimilations we have to do with our groups every few days and the other individual assignments as well. I’m a TA for BUS 315 and once I start that position I don’t know how I will manage due to the workload for this class.


Palīdziet stiprināt pilsoņu līdzdalību. Mēs vēlamies padarīt jūsu bažas dzirdamas un palikt neatkarīgiem.

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