Reģions: Mērilenda

Push for HCC Admin and Board of Trustees to Publicly Condemn Acts Threatening Student Safety

Petīcija ir adresēta
HCC Admin and Board of Trustees
23 Atbalstošs
5% sasniedza 500 kolekcijas mērķim
23 Atbalstošs
5% sasniedza 500 kolekcijas mērķim
  1. Sākās 2024.14.3
  2. Kolekcija vēl nav 3 nedēļas
  3. Iesniegšana
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Es piekrītu, ka mani dati tiks saglabāti . Es izlemju, kurš var redzēt manu atbalstu. Es jebkurā laikā varu atsaukt šo piekrišanu .


I condemn all acts of hatred and violence and I also condemn the dehumanization of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. I am very disheartened by the levels of Islamaphobis and anti Arab rhetoric and for students to be threatened for challenging the views of a people or wearing traditional garb is anti American at its core.

By the flyer it appeared that HCC initially promoted this talk as informative and balanced for both sides. However, students who posed questions in favor of Palestinians were met with threats and escorted out. This behavior is unacceptable, particularly in Howard County, where we pride ourselves on being civil and welcoming to all viewpoints.

Palīdziet stiprināt pilsoņu līdzdalību. Mēs vēlamies padarīt jūsu bažas dzirdamas un palikt neatkarīgiem.

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