Логотип North Beach Community Association

North Beach Community Association

North Beach Community Association is a 501c4 organization whose mission it is to encourage the development and the preservation of North Beach, the elimination of unsightly areas due to lack of maintenance and improper upkeep, and to create a safe and environmentally sound area in furtherance of social, civil, and cultural beautification.

веб-сайт: northbeachcommunity.com/

Петиции, поданные членами организации

No Helicopter Tours Near Homes On North Beach

67 Поддерживающий
43 дней остальное

Asking the City of Corpus Christi to Reject Renovation Permit on North Beach

75 Поддерживающий
69 дней от сбора

Asking the City of Corpus Christi to Review Renovation Permit on North Beach

0 Поддерживающий
24.03.2024 завершено

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