Hilde Weeg

I am a freelance journalist and communications-trainer. Why I engage myself in this: My parents met a british couple in Vienna 60 years ago. They decided to exchange their children to learn each others language and cultures - a private peace project. And it worked out: The children became friends. I have studied at Lancaster university, we have been to each others weddings. We enjoy the EU-freedom and we want to keep that! There are many more friendships like this across the EU. Apart from the difficult politics: Let us solve problems together, within the EU-community. Let us send more individual signs of support to the British friends - all of them! EU is more than brux-politics.

strona internetowa: www.weeg-kommunikation.de
Zdjęcie profilowe użytkownika

Pomóż nam wzmocnić uczestnictwo obywateli. Chcemy, aby twoja petycja przyciągnęła uwagę i pozostała niezależna.

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