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Environmental & Consumer Protection, Fairness & Transparency in the Digital Age: Against TEMU (PDD)

Bloķēšanas iemesls :

Lūgumraksti, kuros ir nepatiesi fakti, trūkst avotu vai maldinoši noklusēti attiecīgie fakti, tiks izbeigti. openPetition patur tiesības strīdīgos gadījumos vēlāk pieprasīt avotus vai būtisku faktu papildināšanu.

Bitte belegen Sie Ihre Aussagenzu TEMU mit Quellen (Link/URL) oder kennzeichnen Sie sie als eigene Meinung.

What is LinkedIN Hiding? Join the Fight for Algorithm Transparency Today!

Bloķēšanas iemesls :

Lūgumraksti, kuros ir nepatiesi fakti, trūkst avotu vai maldinoši noklusēti attiecīgie fakti, tiks izbeigti. openPetition patur tiesības strīdīgos gadījumos vēlāk pieprasīt avotus vai būtisku faktu papildināšanu.

Please back up following statements with sources (URL): - "Recommendation algorithms are powerful tools that can influence the products we buy, the people we follow, and the information we see. With hundreds of millions of users, their influence over collective intelligence is too significant to ignore." - "LinkedIn is the largest business community in the world and hosts a social networking site designed for professionals and enterprises. Its recommendation algorithm has a significant effect on the information users see and share. With 900 million members in 200 countries and territories across the globe, LinkedIn's continued secrecy regarding its algorithm is unacceptable, given the potential for harm due to manipulation it poses. LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft, which also exclusively has access to ChatGPT. The powerful algorithms it deploys to match opportunity seekers with targeted ads can perpetuate different kinds of biases, which could adversely impact the career and business opportunities of a large section of its user base."

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