39 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: Leicester City Council
We the undersigned residents of Beaumont Leys ward and the City of Leicester strongly urge the City Council to expand and upgrade its CCTV setup in Beaumont Leys especially around Beaumont Park, footpaths running across connecting to the shopping centre and along the open spaces.
Note: only those who live within the city council boundary must sign this.
The residents have suffered enough with speeding motorbikes, electric bikes and scooters.
On Tuesday 14th of May a six year old child was injured ON THE PATH by an electric bike and the biker fled from the location.
This has to stop before someone gets killed. The police also need to take proactive action in confiscating these dangerous vehicles being driven on paths meant for walking.
Therefore, this is an urgent request to you from all of us. We have full support of our three ward councillors.
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Traffic & transportation
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on 19 May 2024 -
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on 19 May 2024
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