
Save the confluence of the Sava Bohinjka and Sava Dolinka rivers

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Петиція адресована
Municipality and Administrative Unit of Radovljica

3 621 підписи

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3 621 підписи

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  1. Розпочато 2020
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20.06.2022, 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

27.08.2020, 19:31

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for signing and sharing our petition. Together, we have achieved a lot in the past 2 months. We would like to keep you updated on this channel more often but due to limited recourses we have decided to communicate mainly on Facebook and Instagram. The big milestones will also be communicated through this platform, though.

We share all latest news on Facebook / Instagram as well as the beauty of “Sotocje” (confluence) we are all fighting for.

Please follow us there to be up to date:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/resisotocje
Instagram: www.instagram.com/resisotocje

For more information on media coverage, how to support us and donate to the project you will find on:

Linktree: www.linktr.ee/resisotocje

Thank you so much for your support – together we will make a difference!

Warm Regards,

Resi Sotocje-Team

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (M. Mead)

18.08.2020, 00:59

We added some additional information on where to follow us on our social media channels, how to support us and where to find our latest media coverage.

Neuer Petitionstext: **Purpose of the project "Save the Confluence"**
Stop the construction of a Tourist and Recreation Center directly at the Confluence, and maintain public access to the natural landmark. Retain the rights as residents, to cooperate with and influence local government decision-making with regards to construction projects that directly impact our living space.
Prevent the destruction of nature and preserve the quality of life for local residents.
**Planned construction**
The developer wants to build an artificial lake, 62 camping places for motorhomes with access for tour busses and recreational vehicles, open toilets, short-term rental units, a restaurant, picnic areas, multipurpose recreational areas, and a ground level parking lot.
Preserving nature is a fundamental part of the fight for an equal society.
The Confluence is the meeting of the Sava Bohinjka and Sava Dolinka in Lancovo near Radovljica. The Sava River, the main waterway of central Slovenia, divides Radovljica on the left and right banks. It begins with the confluence of the Sava Bohinjka and Sava Dolinka in Lancovo. The first flows from the direction of Bohinj below the slope of Jelovica into the area of ​​the municipality of Radovljica and is one of the cleanest and most beautiful rivers in Slovenia. The Sava Dolinka flows into the Radovljica area from the direction of the Upper Sava Valley through the picturesque valley of Brje pod Bledom.
**Environment & Nature**
According to existing classification, the area of ​​the confluence belongs to the ECOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT AREAS and the AREAS OF NATURAL VALUES. In addition to being a rare and important natural phenomenon, its environmental impact is extremely important. THAT IS WHY THE AREA IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION!
The confluence area is a world of river terraces flowing over gravel or a gravel base with remnants of glacial activity. The confluence of rivers creates an exceptional diversity of aquatic and riparian habitats, eg. oxbow lakes, wetlands, springs, meanders and gravel pits. It is home and habitat to many rare and endangered plant and animal species.
Below the dam at the confluence of the Sava Bohinjka is a spawning ground for fish, and the natural habitat of indigenous protected species of Huchen, Grayling and Chub.
WEBSITE: www.resisotocje.si/en
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/resisotocje
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/resisotocje
LINKTREE: linktr.ee/resisotocje

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 2.880

18.08.2020, 00:02

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for signing and sharing our petition. Together, we have achieved a lot in the past 2 months. We would like to keep you updated on this channel more often but due to limited recourses we have decided to communicate mainly on Facebook and Instagram. The big milestones will also be communicated through this platform, though.

We share all latest news on Facebook / Instagram as well as the beauty of “Sotocje” (confluence) we are all fighting for.

Please follow us there to be up to date:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/resisotocje
Instagram: www.instagram.com/resisotocje

For more information on media coverage, how to support us and donate to the project you will find on:

Linktree: linktr.ee/resisotocje

Thank you so much for your support – together we will make a difference!

Warm Regards,

Resi Sotocje-Team

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (M. Mead)

03.07.2020, 20:23

Dragi prijatelji in podporniki skupnosti "Resi sotocje",

Najlepša hvala, ker nas podpirate pri ohranjanju narave.

Ker ste označili, da boste sodelovali v dejavnostih in / ali pomagali pri organizaciji, vas prosimo, če nam lahko pomagate pri naslednjem:

- obesite plakate v svoji soseski, vasi, mestu, npr. v vaši hiši, trgovini, barih, športnih objektih itd.
- razdelite letake svojim sosedom

Imamo nove plakate, letake itd.

Ni pomembno, v katerem delu Slovenije živite, skupaj moramo razširiti informacije, da rešimo sotočje - modro srce Slovenije.

Če nas želite podpreti, nam pošljite elektronsko sporočilo na info@resisotocje.si
Sedež imamo v Radovljici, na Lancovem.

Najlepša hvala in želimo vam fantastičen vikend.

Prijazni pozdravi,
Vaš »Reši sotočje« team


Dear friends and supporters of “Resi sotocje”,

Thank you very much for supporting us to preserve the nature.

As you have marked, you would take part in activities and / or help in organizing, we would kindly ask you if you could help us with the following:

- hang up posters in your neighborhood, village, town e.g. at your house, shop, bars, sports facilities etc.
- distribute flyers to your neighbors

We have new posters and flyers etc.

It doesn’t matter in which part of Slovenia you live in, together we must spread the word to save the sotočje – the blue heart of Slovenia.

If you would like to support us please send an e-mail to info@resisotocje.si

We are based in Lancovo, Radovljica.

Thank you so much and we wish you a fantastic weekend.

Kind regards,
Your “Resi sotocje” Team

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