Область: Норвегия

Protest in opposition to extraditing of Mustapha Jagne, father of six weeks old child to Gambia

Заявитель не публичный
Петиция адресована к
Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI) Norwegian Directorate of Immigration Hausmanns gate 21, 0182 Oslo P.O. box 8108 Dep, NO-0032 Oslo, Amnesty International i Norge Grensen 3, 0159 Oslo PB: 702 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo Telefon: 22 40 22 00 E-post: info@amnesty.no

35 подписи

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Petition richtet sich an: Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI) Norwegian Directorate of Immigration Hausmanns gate 21, 0182 Oslo P.O. box 8108 Dep, NO-0032 Oslo, Amnesty International i Norge Grensen 3, 0159 Oslo PB: 702 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo Telefon: 22 40 22 00 E-post: info@amnesty.no

Stop the deportation of Mustapha Jagne!
Revoke your decision!
Forward to:
Amnesty International i Norge
Grensen 3, 0159 Oslo
PB: 702 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo
Telefon: 22 40 22 00
E-post: info@amnesty.no
Kontonr: 1644.11.69764
Org.nr: 970148698
Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI)
Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
Hausmanns gate 21, 0182 Oslo
P.O. box 8108 Dep, NO-0032 Oslo


Recent events about deportations and closing borders on migrants have given organizations, individuals and Human Right activists much cause for concern. If an unhindered act by the Christian-nationalists and Euro-centrists shouting “close the borders” were not terrible enough, we recently learned of another deportation case launched by UDI against a Gambian father in Norway with a five-week old child.
 As you might know, Mustapha, have lived in Spain for years, before he fled to Norway, but like many southern countries, the migration laws in Spain has kept Mustapha from doing much of what he need and desire to do for himself, he was kept by his employer as a slave for ten years without knowing about his outside world. He has been rescued by his wife Yvonne Noora, mother of his child and brought to Norway. No need to say that for centuries, these kind of behaviors against Black people in Spain have encompassed dangerous and large scale economic discrimination in these areas as cheap labor without protection, segregated works, discriminatory wages, exclusion from other civic and socioeconomic opportunities.
If we add these type of behaviors to the one being currently conducted by the UDI against migrants like Mustapha Jagne, it is absolutely clear that a legal-anti-immigration campaign is currently underway to discriminate people and contravene UNHCR conventions.
We want to point out that we have every intentions of exposing and responding to this malicious campaign of UDI and right wingers in the state against innocent migrants and Black people whose only crime is to escape slavery and EU neocolonial policies in Africa. 

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Информация о петиции

Petition gestartet: 17.02.2021
Petition endet: 16.04.2021
Область: Норвегия
Тема: Миграции


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