Piirkond : Enschede

The muslim-youth of College Zuid want a place to pray.

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School board
2 733 Toetav

Avaldaja võttis petitsiooni tagasi

2 733 Toetav

Avaldaja võttis petitsiooni tagasi

  1. Algatatud november 2022
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud
  4. Dialoog
  5. Ebaõnnestus

We, the Muslim youth of College Zuid, are forced to pray at school because of the winter time. Because of this we would like to have a prayer room within the school, so that we can practice our faith without disturbing others and undisturbed. We would like it if we could get 2 classrooms during the big break (12:15 - 12:45); 1 for the ladies and 1 for the men.


A prayer room would be very useful for both the ladies and gentlemen. We have to pray outside at the moment and that is a bit difficult when it is cold or when it rains.

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