Region: Campania
Image of the petition popular petition for the creation of a green park

popular petition for the creation of a green park

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
residenti of Casalnuovo di Napoli

0 signatures

Petition process is finished

0 signatures

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2017
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Petition is addressed to: residenti of Casalnuovo di Napoli

we ask that the commune of casalnuovo di napoli allocates funds for the creation of a green park at via vittorio emanuele where is currently located the abandoned factory 'coin' occupying 22 thousand square meters. Casalnuovo is devoid of green areas and meeting places for young citizens so it is necessary to create this place.


everyone must sign the petition so that this green park can be born within our community.

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Petition details

Petition started: 10/22/2017
Petition ends: 12/21/2017
Region: Campania
Topic: Environment

Not yet a PRO argument.

No CONTRA argument yet.

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21 signatures
132 days remaining

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