Regiji: Galway
Slika peticije Vat in Hospitality & Services increases

Vat in Hospitality & Services increases

Peticija je naslovljena na
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Proces peticije je bil zaključen

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Proces peticije je bil zaključen

  1. Začelo avgust 2023
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Dokončano

From September the Vat rate for Hospitality & Services is increasing from 9% to 13.5%.


Stop the proposed Vat increase from September. This is going to cause more closures of Businesses and us as the consumers will be paying more for eating out going for a drink, hairdresser’s nail salons electrical breakdowns services, plumping services. We can’t allow this to happen. Everyone is struggling to make ends meet and if we don’t try and stop the increase now we will all be less well off or not able to afford basic services.

Hvala za tvojo podporo, Bridget Gavin izven Clifden
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