Civil rights

Ban Russian War Symbols

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
An Taoiseach, Michael Martin T.D. Department of the Taoiseach and Dublin City Council and the Dublin Lord Mayor
1 supporter

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

1 supporter

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

We call on the An Taoiseach and the city of Dublin to revoke the permits for the use of flags and symbols (such as Z and V, St. George's ribbons and Russian Federation flag, when it use not by Russian Federation government authorities) in Ireland until peace is established in Ukraine and those responsible for war crimes are brought before a military tribunal.


We are all unwitting witnesses to the terrible crimes of the Russian army against the Ukrainian people. Every day there are more and more murdered, raped and tortured children, women and men in Ukraine. 
Letter “Z” became a symbol of Russian invasion. “Z” depicted on bombs that kill civilians, on tanks that destroy our homes, on the uniforms of soldiers who rape our women and children. People who supporting this unspeakable act of violence against Ukraine are spreading this symbol around the world calling to kill Ukrainians.
On April 7, 2022, a rally in support of Russia aggression took place in Dublin. During the event, many participants used “Z” symbol alongside with St. George's ribbons, the flag of the Russian Federation, the flag of the landing troops of the Russian army. At the same time, the members of the motorcade insulted people with Ukrainian symbols, justified the Russian war of aggression in numerous posts on social networks, threatened Ukrainians.
We, as representatives of the Ukrainian community were shocked that a pro-war event was allowed in Ireland. Especially after Ireland has accepted and helped so many Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war.
Just imaging leaving your own home, running from all the war terror and facing it’s symbol a thousand killometers away, in a place that should be safe. Imaging the memories it will evoke, the trauma it will trigger.
This rally was neither officially registered nor declared for guard. This run was a propaganda event to express support for the Russian state and justify the war crimes of the Russian army. Moreover, it was openly provocative.
We call on the city of Dublin to revoke the permits for the use of flags and symbols used by the Russian army until peace is established in Ukraine and those responsible for war crimes are brought before a military tribunal.
We ask you to involve the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in this matter and to study the situation and background and activities of the people who organized and participated in the procession.
Ukrainian community of Dublin

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