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Jan-Christoph Oetjen



Der EU Parlamentarier Jan-Christoph OETJEN (Renew) hat auf die Ergebnisse der Europäischen HausParlamente in einem Videostatement geantwortet. Du kannst es hier anschauen: https://www.facebook.com/PulseofEurope/videos/762704808420308

Pasii urmatori

Der EU Parlamentarier Jan-Christoph OETJEN (Renew) hat auf die Ergebnisse der Europäischen HausParlamente in einem Videostatement geantwortet. Du kannst es hier anschauen: https://www.facebook.com/PulseofEurope/videos/762704808420308

Evaluarea în detaliu

1. Should the principle of unanimity in the Council of the European Union be abolished and replaced by qualified majority voting?


2. Should a representative citizens' council advise the EU institutions on fundamental decisions?


3. Should the European Parliament be able to propose and initiative its own legislation in addition to the EU Commission?


Ajutați la consolidarea participării cetățenilor. Dorim să vă facem auzite preocupările, rămânând în același timp independenți.

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