This is how HomeParliaments work
House parliaments enable civil society engagement where opinions are formed: when eating together with the family, talking to friends in the café, at the regulars’ table or in the park. Because political participation means more than just voting.

How does a house parliament come about?
Very simple: select one of the available topics, register and invite friends to your house parliament. If you activate the matching function, people you don't know can also participate. If you don't want to create a house parliament, you can join another one. We recommend that a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 people take part in a house parliament.
How does a house parliament work?
In every house parliament, an overarching question is discussed. With the help of three sub-questions and a guide, you are easily guided through the discussion. In addition, additional information that we provide offers exciting perspectives. At the end of the house parliament, all participants enter the results online.
Where are house parliaments held?
A house parliament can take place anywhere, as long as you can talk quietly there for a few hours. You can download and print out the documents provided. You only have to enter the results online. A house parliament can also take place digitally via video chat.
What should house parliaments achieve?
Many house parliaments on a topic create an opinion that becomes more meaningful the more people participate. This is forwarded to politically responsible persons, who then comment on the result. This creates a dialogue at eye level between citizens and politicians.
Further questions
Where do the topics come from?
The current topics are part of the ABSTIMMUNG21 project. The association organizes nationwide referendums. In advance, the topics should be discussed in house parliaments.
Do you have your own topic that should be discussed in house parliaments? Become a questioner! Whether it's a regional issue, a nationwide issue or relevant for the whole of Germany - a house parliament can in principle be held on any topic. With quality criteria we ensure together that a house parliament can take place. We look forward to your draft to our editors .
How long does a house parliament last?
We recommend that you allow at least 3 hours. When an issue is looked at from different angles, the most informed opinions and decisions emerge. The accompanying guide and additional information will help keep the discussion engaging. Time flies like in a (short-haul) flight.
Can I take part in several House Parliaments?
Yes, you can participate in as many House Parliaments as you want.
How does the matching work?
If the matching function is activated, the house parliament will be shown publicly on this website. This means that anyone interested in the topic can join until all 8 slots are filled. House Parliaments displayed are sorted by date.
Do you have questions or feedback on house parliaments?
We are constantly developing the concept and are open to your comments or questions. Just send us an e-mail to our editorial team .