Region: Kroatien

Hrvatskoj vladi: Ponudite Slovencima izlaz na otvoreno more i okončajte spor!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Andrej Plenković, premijer

6 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

6 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2017
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

Petition richtet sich an: Andrej Plenković, premijer

Ovom peticijom predlažemo Vladi Republike Hrvatske i premijeru Andreju Plenkoviću da u znak dobre volje i dobrosusjedskih odnosa, neovisno o odluci Arbitražnog suda u Den Haagu, predlože Vladi Republike Slovenije mirno rješavanje spora oko Piranskog zaljeva, i to na način da Hrvatska ponudi Sloveniji slobodan prolaz do otvorenog mora.


With this petition, we suggest to the Government of the Republic of Croatia and Prime Minister Andreja Plenković that, in the name of good will and good neighborly relations, irrespective of the Arbitration Court's decision in The Hague, proposes to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia a peaceful resolution of the dispute over the Piran Bay, by offering Slovenia free access to Open sea.


Spor između Republike Hrvatske i Republike Slovenije oko Piranskog zaljeva traje još od osamostaljenja ovih država. Taj je spor već u nekoliko navrata dovodio do krize u diplomatskim odnosima te potiče nepotrebne tenzije između prijateljskih naroda. Hrvatska ništa ne bi izgubila sporazumom o slobodnom prolasku slovenskih plovila do otvorenog mora, a Slovenija bi dobila puno. Jako je bitno da Slovenija ima izlaz na otvoreno more i zbog dobrosusjedskih odnosa.

Mi smo skupina građana liberalnog svjetonazora te vjerujemo u dobru trgovinsku suradnju među narodima, u toleranciju i dobrosusjedske odnose. Zahvaljujemo se svima koji će podržati ovu peticiju svojim potpisom, a ponajviše premijeru Andreju Plenkoviću i Vladi Republike Hrvatske ako naše obrazloženje uzmu u razmatranje i donesu ispravnu odluku.


The dispute between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia around the Piran Bay lasts from the independence of these states. This dispute has already led to a crisis in diplomatic relations on several occasions and encourages unnecessary tensions between friendly peoples. Croatia would not miss anything with an agreement on the free passage of Slovenian vessels to the open sea, and Slovenia would get a lot. It is very important that Slovenia has access to the open sea for the sake of good neighborly relations.

We are a group of citizens of liberal worldview and we believe in good trade cooperation among peoples, tolerance and good neighborly relations. We would like to thank all who will support this petition with their signature, especially the premier Andreja Plenković and the Government of the Republic of Croatia, if our reasoning is taken into consideration and made the right decision.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

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Petition gestartet: 29.06.2017
Petition endet: 28.08.2017
Region: Kroatien
Kategorie: Außenpolitik


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