
Build a road for residents of Bazgeika

A petíció címzettje
Mayor of Kardamyli
1 támogató
0% elért 500 gyűjtési célhoz
1 támogató
0% elért 500 gyűjtési célhoz
  1. Indított 2024.04.09.
  2. Gyűjtemény eddig > 7 hét
  3. Benyújtás
  4. Párbeszéd a címzettel
  5. Döntés

Elfogadom, hogy adataimat tárolja. Én döntöm el, hogy ki láthatja a támogatásomat. Ezt a hozzájárulást bármikor visszavonhatom .


Some 30+ houses and it’s residents within the Bazgeika area served my a dirt road that has not been improved since the area started to be developed extensively approximately 20 years ago. With more development occurring the road is becoming more used and further damaged, and is now longer fit for purposes to serve it’s residents.

The residents are now seeking to find the constriction of the road but seek the assistance of the DIMOS with permission and specification of the road construction.


As the road deteriorates it has become more difficult to drive on. Loose gravel and uneven terrain has caused accidents. The poor road condition is contributing to the damage of residents cars with respect to undercarriage and bodywork. Some visitors with vehicles that have lower profiles can not utilise the road which is of great inconvenience for residents but also deters people who are looking to purchase a home in the area and also tourists who rent property during the holiday season.

The good residents of Bazheika deserve a road that is fit for purpose.

Köszönjük a támogatást, Residents of Bazgeika -ból Lefktro
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