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Petition is addressed to: Simonetta Sommaruga - Vorsteherin des Eidgenössischen Departements für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation
Since end of March 2019 5G has already be launched in 150 villages and cities in Switzerland (https://www.sunrise.ch/de/privatkunden/world-of-5g/5g-coverage.html). Without being asked, affected residents become experimental guinea pigs for already proven possible risks through 5G.
Even though repeatedly being denied, a substantial number of testimonies exist concerning the fact, that high frequency radiation (HF) harms organic life and worsens all kinds of existing diseases through massive oxidative stress. Already collected clinical evidence as of today encompasses more than 10.000 studies, rechecked by experts. In these it is documented, that electromagnetic fields are significantly responsible for diverse impairments of humans, damage of the DNA, as well of the cells and organ systems of a substantial multitude of plants and animals, and for the most prevalent civilisation diseases of today: cancer, diseases of the heart and diabetes.
The provenly higher risk includes diseases like cancer, cellular stress, an increase in free radicals, unforeseeable genetic changes, changes of the structure and functions in the reproductive system (infertility, impotence), ADHS, difficulty to concentrate, sleep disturbances, civilisation diseases, miscarriages and malformations. Furthermore deficits in learning and remembering, neurological disturbances and negative impacts on the overall wellbeing are possible adverse effects.
The risks of the global 5G-standards far reach far beyond humanity, also plants and animals are affected. The higher risk of insects dying, birds dying, plant diseases, dying of trees and loss of harvests through increased susceptibility to diseases of plants are alarming. Based on the current state of research, the harmful effects of HF-EMF radiation and the accumulating effects of the 5G-standard can cause irreversible, unfathomable anthropogenic catastrophes, next to unquantifiable monetary damage. Since trees above the height of 3 meters are a field of disturbance to 5G, our tall and old tress are in danger of being cut for a better reception of 5G. WE need our old trees urgently for the purification of air and oxygenation. (https://www.surrey.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2018-03/white-paper-rural-5G-vision.pdf). The mobile service provider sunrise has already launched 5G in 150 villages and cities (https://www.sunrise.ch/de/privatkunden/world-of-5g.html). We have to act now!
We call on the Swiss federal council: - (a) To take immidate measures, to stop the deployment of 5G in Switzerland, on planet earth and in space, and through that protect the whole humanity, especially the unborn, the babies, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and nature; -(b) Compliance with the current radiation protection standards -(c) To follow the convention on the rights of the child (UN convention CRC) and the resolution of the Council of Europe no. 1815 (Europe Resolution 1815), in which the residents, including teachers and doctors, are being informed about the health risks (for adults and children) of high frequency radiation, as well as how to avoid wireless communications- and basic station, and why they should do that, especially near nurseries, schools, hospitals, in their apartments and in their work enivironments; -(d) Prohibition of WLAN, smart meters and mobile phones in nurseries, kinder gardens and schools -(e) White areas. Areas without 3G, 4G or 5G radiation -(f) The preference of wired telecommunication and smart meters above the wireless and to further developement; -(g)To prohibit radio- and telecommunication companies, to engage public decision makers through their lobby organisations, to make decisions that enable further expansion of high frequency radiation, including terrain and space based 5G-technology; -(h) Immediately, without the influence of the industry, convoke international groups of independent, indeed neutral scientific experts in the field of EMF and health, free of conflicts of interest and with the aim, to develop new international security standards for high frequency radiation (HF), not only based on the parameters of field force, but also consider cumulative exposition and protection against all repercussions on human health and nature, not only against the so called thermic effects and not only against the repercussions on humans; -(i) Immediately and without the influence of the industry convoke international groups of scientists with experience in the fields of EMF, health, biology and atmospheric physics, to develop a comprehensive legal framework, which ensures, that usage of space is safe for humans and nature, with consideration of high frequency radiation (HF), rocket ship exhaust gases, soot, space debris and their repercussions on all living creatures on earth. Not only terrain-protected, but also space-based technologies have to be sustainable for adults, children, animals and plants. -(j) A prohibition to log healthy trees and bushes for the optimisation of 5G reception. Violation will be prosecuted. -(k) The citizen does not assume legal liability for positioned stations and their effects on all living creatures. The mobile communications corporation and WIFI corporations alone carries the responsibility for all positioned stations and will be held accountable in case of harm of human, animal and plant.
The protection of all living creatures stands before profit maximization!
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Dire que des gens s'exposent au soleil des heures, à 1 kW/m2 à des radiations ionisantes et bien connues pour être cancérigènes, et qu'ils font des misères pour quelques microwatts à des longueurs d'ondes connues de longue date pour n'avoir aucun effet autre qu'un échauffement local, il y a de quoi penser que le monde est tombé sur la tête !!!