Regione: Svizzera
Politica estera

We demand Asylum for Julian Assange in Switzerland

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
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2.210 Firme

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2.210 Firme

Il firmatario non ha presentato/depositato la petizione.

  1. Iniziato 2020
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

13/03/2020, 07:33

Dear Supporters,

Mr Julian Assange
Prisoner #: A9379AY
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

Before writing to Julian Assange, please write at least one letter to a politican or leader and take another action to help defend Julian. Please write short personal notes and let Julian know of the actions you've taken to help defend him. Please do not include sensitive information in your letter.
You must include his prisoner number (#A9379AY) or his DOB on the envelope. He still recieves letters with just his name + DOB without any problems. Envelopes without his prisoner # or DOB will not be delivered. To avoid confusion we have changed our instructions to say include the prisoner #.
You MUST include your full name AND address on the back of the envelope or else the letter will not be delivered.
If you wish for him to reply, include a blank piece of paper with a self-addressed envelope. It must be pre-stamped (UK Stamps only). Do not send loose stamps as they will be rejected. Include 2 UK first class stamps for international. Click here to buy UK stamps.
Letters sent to and from the prison are checked by prison staff. Do not send letters containing sensitive material, instead please contact mr. Assange's lawyers for any sensitive matters.
You may send paper items only, such as letters, photos & drawings. Please do not attempt to send other items. Postcards are not allowed.
If you receive a reply, you may choose to share it with #WriteJulian unless he has marked the letter as PRIVATE. Please DO NOT publish any letters that he has marked private. Though Belmarsh security checks incoming and outgoing mail they absolutely cannot share or publish his mail, so please be considerate of his wishes.

Thanks to you all

Contribuisci a rafforzare la partecipazione civica. Vogliamo che le tue istanze siano ascoltate e allo stesso tempo rimanere indipendenti.

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