
Stop 5G in Swizerland

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Petice je adresována
Simonetta Sommaruga - Vorsteherin des Eidgenössischen Departements für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation
6 965 6 760 v Švýcarsko

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

6 965 6 760 v Švýcarsko

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

  1. Zahájena 2019
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

06. 10. 2020 2:11

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04. 08. 2019 0:58

The text of the original petition has been changed, thus the translation need to be updated.

Neue Begründung: Even today, people who are electrosensitive are already suffering from the current EMF exposure. The increase in frequencies in the double-digit GHz range of radiation levels necessary for the 5G technology Internet of Things has an increased risk of disease due to an increase in chronic oxidative stress and free radicals, as has already been demonstrated at much lower frequencies [3]. The risks of the global 5G standard go far beyond the reach of human health; also plants and animals are affected. The increased risk of e.g. Insect, bird, plant and tree dying and the failure of crops due to increased susceptibility to disease of all living things is alarming. The damaging effects of RF-EMF radiation and the accumulating effect of the 5G mobile radio standard, as demonstrated by the current state of research, can lead to irreversible and immeasurable human disasters in addition to monetary damages that are no longer quantifiable. There are currently 350 5G antenna sites, also unlocked in the countryside.
We appeal to the Swiss Federal Council:
1.To take immediate action to stop the use of 5G in Switzerland, on Earth and in space, and thus to the whole of humanity, especially the unborn, infants, children, adolescents and pregnant women, as well as the environment, the animal and Plant life, protect;
2.Following the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child) and Council Resolution 1815 (Europe Resolution 1815), citizens, including teachers and doctors, are informed about the health risks (to adults and children) of Radiation, including how they can avoid wireless communication and base stations, and why, especially near day-care centers, schools, hospitals, their homes and workplaces;
3.Strong restrictions on the use of Wi-Fi and mobile telephony [5] and the use of smart meters, which do not permanently spark in kindergartens, kindergartens and schools to protect children;
4.The establishment of specially marked train compartments without Wi-Fi and prohibition of use of mobile phones and flight mode duty as protection zones for electrosensitive and ill people, children and pregnant women;
5.White zones without Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G or 5G radiation;
6.To favor and expand on wired tele and smart meter communication over the wireless;
7.To prohibit the wireless / telecommunications industry from having their lobby organizations persuade public decision-makers to make decisions that will allow the spread of RF radiation, including ground-based and space-based 5G technology;
8.Unverzüglich und ohne den Einfluss der Industrie internationale Gruppen unabhängiger, neutraler wissenschaftlicher Experten für das Gebiet von 8.Immediately and without the influence of the industry to convene international groups of independent, neutral scientific experts in the field of EMF und Gesundheit einzuberufen, mit dem Ziel, neue internationale Sicherheitsstandards für HF-Strahlung zu erarbeiten, die nicht nur auf dem Parameter der Feldstärke beruhen, sondern auch die kumulative Exposition berücksichtigen und gegen alle Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt Schutz bieten. Dies unter Einbezug der Untersuchung der nichtthermischen Wirkung von HF-EMF-Strahlung auf alle Lebewesen;
9.Unverzüglich und ohne Einfluss der Industrie internationalen Gruppen von unabhängigen Wissenschaftlern mit Erfahrung auf den Gebieten
and health, with the aim of developing new international safety standards for RF radiation, based not only on the parameter of field strength, but also the take into account cumulative exposure and protect against any impact on human health and the environment. Including the study of the nonthermal effect of RF-EMF radiation on all living things;
9.To convene, without delay and without industry influence, international groups of independent scientists with experience in the fields of
EMF, Gesundheit, Biologie und Atmosphärenphysik einzuberufen, um einen umfassenden Rechtsrahmen zu entwickeln, der garantiert, dass die Nutzung des Weltraums sicher ist für Mensch und Umwelt [Vgl. health, biology and atmospheric physics, to develop a comprehensive legal framework that guarantees that the use of space is safe for humans and the environment. 3, 5].
10.Das Verbot der Fällung gesunder Bäume und Sträucher zur Optimierung des 10.The ban on the felling of healthy trees and shrubs to optimise the 5G Empfangs. Missachtung muss strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
11.Keine 5G-Antennenbewilligung, auch nicht an bestehenden Mobilfunkmastanlagen durch Bagatelländerungsregelung solange keine Unbedenklichkeitsstudien vorliegen.
12.Die Bürger übernehmen keine rechtliche Verantwortung für den Netzausbau von
reception. Disregard must be prosecuted.
5G Sendern und deren hohe Gesundheitsrisiken. Die zuständigen Regierungsmitglieder, Mobilfunkkonzerne und WiFi-Konzerne alleine, tragen die volle Verantwortung, für das gegen den Nürnberger Kodex verstoßende Menschenexperiment mit 5G-Technologien und werden zur Rechenschaft bei Schädigung von Mensch, Tier und Pflanze gezogen.
Kommen Sie bitte Ihrer Pflicht nach, die Umwelt und Bevölkerung vor diesem Menschen- und Naturexperiment zu schützen und vertreten Sie unsere Forderungen im Parlament, damit wir von einer Sammelklage absehen können.
antenna approval, not even on existing mobile phone mast systems by trivial amendment regulation as long as no safety studies are available.
12. Citizens take no legal responsibility for the network expansion of 5G stations and their high health risks. The responsible government members, mobile phone companies and WiFi companies alone, bear the full responsibility for the violation of the Nuremberg Codex violating human experiment with 5G technologies and are held accountable for damage to humans, animals and plants.
Please fulfil your duty to protect the environment and the people from this human and nature experiment and represent our demands in Parliament so that we can refrain from a class action.
[4] www.gigaherz.ch/dringende-warnung-vor-5g/
[5] bit.ly/2YgSFPk
[6] www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT_ITSsjhDQ&%5Bfbclid=
[7] www.youtube.com/watch?v=eViswN602_k
[8] www.surrey.ac.uk/sites/default/files/White-Paper-Rural-5G-Vision_0.pdf

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 6965 (6760 in Schweiz)

03. 08. 2019 22:34

The text of the original petition has been changed, thus the translation need to be updated.

Neuer Petitionstext: Dear Federal Councilor, Mrs Simonetta Sommaruga, Dear Members of the Federal Council and Parliament
Since the end of March 2019 5G has already be launched been activated in 150 villages and cities towns in Switzerland (www.sunrise.ch/de/privatkunden/world-of-5g/5g-coverage.html). Without being asked, affected [1]. For 5G frequencies from 3400 MHz upwards are needed. The 4G technology most commonly uses the 700-900 MHz bandwidth. This already means a four times higher frequency without safety studies. Previous studies on humans already alarmingly prove the increased risk for various health impairments at 1800 MHz. Affected residents become experimental guinea pigs for are thus asked without question to the field of experiment already proven possible potential risks through 5G.
Even though repeatedly being denied,
by 5G. This means a substantial number violation of testimonies exist concerning the fact, Nuremberg Code [4].
Although denied time and time again, there is a great deal of evidence
that high frequency high-frequency radiation (HF) harms organic damages biological life and worsens favours all kinds of existing diseases through massive oxidative stress. Already collected clinical evidence as of today encompasses more stress [cf. 3]. More than 10.000 studies, rechecked 10,000 scientific studies verified by experts. In these it is documented, experts show that electromagnetic radiation damages human health. The investigations show that electromagnetic fields are significantly partly responsible for diverse various human impairments of humans, such as damage of the to DNA, as well of the cells and organ systems of - even in a substantial multitude large number of plants and animals, and for the today's most prevalent important civilisation diseases of today: such as cancer, diseases heart disease and diabetes [cf. , 3].
If the plans
of the heart telecommunications industry for the expansion of 5G are actually implemented as planned, no human being, no animal, no bird, no insect or plant on this planet will be able to escape the burdens resulting from 5G. This is true 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with field strengths of RF radiation tens to hundreds of times higher than today, and diabetes.
without any possibility of escaping these electromagnetic influences anywhere on the planet [cf. 3]. Plans to implement 5G threaten to cause serious, irreversible consequences for humans and permanent damage in all Earth ecosystems. In accordance with ethical commandments and international agreements, immediate action must be taken to protect humanity and the environment. To transfer the massive amounts of data required for the "Internet of Things", 5G technology, once fully implemented, will use ultra-short wavelength (Millimeter-waves) waves that cannot easily penetrate solids. For this reason, it will be necessary to install base stations at 100-meter intervals in each city area [cf. 3].
The rules introduced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allow the effective radiated power of a 5G base station to be as high as 30,000 watts per 100 MHz bandwidth, that is 300,000 watts per 1 GHz bandwidth, a ten to one hundred fold increase over the currently allowed values ​​of base stations.
Even before 5G was developed, dozens of petitions and appeals from international scientists, including the Freiburg Appeal signed by more than 3,000 doctors [2], called for stopping the expansion of wireless technologies and new base stations. In 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries shared their alarming concerns with the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO). In it, they stated unequivocally: "Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that electromagnetic fields already affect living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines" [3]. We also reject an indoctrinated total digitalisation, including "The Internet of Things" and the total digital surveillance of modern 5G technologies, as used in China today [7]. Besides other objects like for example walls more often mean trees and hedges an interference field for 5G [7]. Therefore there is a risk that high trees and hedges are removed for good 5G reception.
Please regulate our request to immediately stop 5G test projects and the 5G expansion, so that we are a class action under the Nuremberg Code against FOEN and other members (ComCom, OFCOM, NIR, EMEK, BAG), Swisscom, Sunrise, Salt etc. can refrain.
[1] Sunrise: Sunrise 5G coverage in Switzerland, 2018. Last opened on 17.04.2019: www.sunrise.ch/en/privatkunden/world-of-5g/5g-coverage.html
[2] Freiburger Appell, 2003. Last opened on 26.04.2019: bit.ly/2VmZMbY
[3] Firstenberg, Arthur et al .: INTERNATIONAL APPEAL. Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, 2018. Last opened on 17.04.2019: www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal

Neue Begründung: Even today, people who are electrosensitive are already suffering from the current EMF exposure. The provenly higher increase in frequencies in the double-digit GHz range of radiation levels necessary for the 5G technology Internet of Things has an increased risk includes diseases like cancer, cellular stress, of disease due to an increase in chronic oxidative stress and free radicals, unforeseeable genetic changes, changes of the structure and functions in the reproductive system (infertility, impotence), ADHS, difficulty to concentrate, sleep disturbances, civilisation diseases, miscarriages and malformations. Furthermore deficits in learning and remembering, neurological disturbances and negative impacts on the overall wellbeing are possible adverse effects.
as has already been demonstrated at much lower frequencies [3]. The risks of the global 5G-standards far reach 5G standard go far beyond humanity, the reach of human health; also plants and animals are affected. The higher increased risk of insects dying, birds dying, e.g. Insect, bird, plant diseases, and tree dying and the failure of trees and loss of harvests through crops due to increased susceptibility to diseases disease of plants are all living things is alarming. Based on The damaging effects of RF-EMF radiation and the accumulating effect of the 5G mobile radio standard, as demonstrated by the current state of research, can lead to irreversible and immeasurable human disasters in addition to monetary damages that are no longer quantifiable. There are currently 350 5G antenna sites, also unlocked in the harmful effects of HF-EMF radiation and the accumulating effects of the 5G-standard can cause irreversible, unfathomable anthropogenic catastrophes, next countryside.
We appeal
to unquantifiable monetary damage. Since trees above the height of 3 meters are a field of disturbance to 5G, our tall and old tress are in danger of being cut for a better reception of 5G. WE need our old trees urgently for the purification of air and oxygenation. (www.surrey.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2018-03/white-paper-rural-5G-vision.pdf). The mobile service provider sunrise has already launched 5G in 150 villages and cities (www.sunrise.ch/de/privatkunden/world-of-5g.html). We have to act now!
We call on
the Swiss federal council:
- (a) To
Federal Council:
take immidate measures, immediate action to stop the deployment use of 5G in Switzerland, on planet earth Earth and in space, and through that protect thus to the whole of humanity, especially the unborn, the babies, infants, children, adolescents, adolescents and pregnant women, as well as the environment, the animal and nature;
-(b) Compliance with
Plant life, protect;
the current radiation protection standards
-(c) To follow the convention
Convention on the rights Rights of the child Child (UN convention CRC) and Convention on the resolution Rights of the Child) and Council of Europe no. Resolution 1815 (Europe Resolution 1815), in which the residents, citizens, including teachers and doctors, are being informed about the health risks (for (to adults and children) of high frequency radiation, as well as Radiation, including how to they can avoid wireless communications- communication and basic station, base stations, and why they should do that, why, especially near nurseries, day-care centers, schools, hospitals, in their apartments homes and in their work enivironments;
-(d) Prohibition
3.Strong restrictions on the use
of WLAN, smart meters Wi-Fi and mobile telephony [5] and the use of smart meters, which do not permanently spark in kindergartens, kindergartens and schools to protect children;
4.The establishment of specially marked train compartments without Wi-Fi and prohibition of use of mobile
phones in nurseries, kinder gardens and schools
-(e) White areas. Areas
flight mode duty as protection zones for electrosensitive and ill people, children and pregnant women;
5.White zones
without Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G or 5G radiation
-(f) The preference of
6.To favor and expand on
wired telecommunication tele and smart meters above meter communication over the wireless;
7.To prohibit
the wireless and to further developement;
-(g)To prohibit radio- and telecommunication companies, to engage public decision makers through
/ telecommunications industry from having their lobby organisations, organizations persuade public decision-makers to make decisions that enable further expansion will allow the spread of high frequency RF radiation, including terrain ground-based and space based 5G-technology;
-(h) Immediately, without the influence of the industry, convoke international groups of independent, indeed neutral scientific experts in the field of
space-based 5G technology;
8.Unverzüglich und ohne den Einfluss der Industrie internationale Gruppen unabhängiger, neutraler wissenschaftlicher Experten für das Gebiet von
EMF and health, free of conflicts of interest and with the aim, to develop new international security standards for high frequency radiation (HF), not only based on the parameters of field force, but also consider cumulative exposition and protection against all repercussions on human health and nature, not only against the so called thermic effects and not only against the repercussions on humans;
-(i) Immediately and without the influence of the industry convoke international groups of scientists with experience in the fields of
und Gesundheit einzuberufen, mit dem Ziel, neue internationale Sicherheitsstandards für HF-Strahlung zu erarbeiten, die nicht nur auf dem Parameter der Feldstärke beruhen, sondern auch die kumulative Exposition berücksichtigen und gegen alle Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt Schutz bieten. Dies unter Einbezug der Untersuchung der nichtthermischen Wirkung von HF-EMF-Strahlung auf alle Lebewesen;
9.Unverzüglich und ohne Einfluss der Industrie internationalen Gruppen von unabhängigen Wissenschaftlern mit Erfahrung auf den Gebieten
EMF, health, biology and atmospheric physics, to develop a comprehensive legal framework, which ensures, that usage of space is safe for humans and nature, with consideration of high frequency radiation (HF), rocket ship exhaust gases, soot, space debris and their repercussions on all living creatures on earth. Not only terrain-protected, but also space-based technologies have to be sustainable for adults, children, animals and plants.
-(j) A prohibition to log healthy trees and bushes for the optimisation of
Gesundheit, Biologie und Atmosphärenphysik einzuberufen, um einen umfassenden Rechtsrahmen zu entwickeln, der garantiert, dass die Nutzung des Weltraums sicher ist für Mensch und Umwelt [Vgl. 3, 5].
10.Das Verbot der Fällung gesunder Bäume und Sträucher zur Optimierung des
5G reception. Violation will be prosecuted.
-(k) The citizen does not assume legal liability for positioned stations and their effects on all living creatures. The mobile communications corporation and WIFI corporations alone carries the responsibility for all positioned stations and will be held accountable in case of harm of human, animal and plant.
The protection of all living creatures stands before profit maximization!
Empfangs. Missachtung muss strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
11.Keine 5G-Antennenbewilligung, auch nicht an bestehenden Mobilfunkmastanlagen durch Bagatelländerungsregelung solange keine Unbedenklichkeitsstudien vorliegen.
12.Die Bürger übernehmen keine rechtliche Verantwortung für den Netzausbau von 5G Sendern und deren hohe Gesundheitsrisiken. Die zuständigen Regierungsmitglieder, Mobilfunkkonzerne und WiFi-Konzerne alleine, tragen die volle Verantwortung, für das gegen den Nürnberger Kodex verstoßende Menschenexperiment mit 5G-Technologien und werden zur Rechenschaft bei Schädigung von Mensch, Tier und Pflanze gezogen.
Kommen Sie bitte Ihrer Pflicht nach, die Umwelt und Bevölkerung vor diesem Menschen- und Naturexperiment zu schützen und vertreten Sie unsere Forderungen im Parlament, damit wir von einer Sammelklage absehen können.
[4] www.gigaherz.ch/dringende-warnung-vor-5g/
[5] bit.ly/2YgSFPk
[6] www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT_ITSsjhDQ&%5Bfbclid=
[7] www.youtube.com/watch?v=eViswN602_k
[8] www.surrey.ac.uk/sites/default/files/White-Paper-Rural-5G-Vision_0.pdf

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 6965 (6760 in Schweiz)

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