Civil rights

Bosnian (male and female) – The foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Petition is directed to
EU Parlament, White house Washington DC USA
1,644 supporters
16% achieved 10,000 for collection target
1,644 supporters
16% achieved 10,000 for collection target
  1. Launched September 2023
  2. Time remaining > 6 weeks
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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09/27/2023, 19:46

- sources added to be visible also in english version
- short name BiH changed into original name: Bosnia and Hercegovina
- one Bosnia and Herzegovina, one electoral unit ; changed to: Bosnia and Herzegovina, one constituency.
All changes have been made for better understanding

Neue Begründung:

In the post-Dayton BiH,Bosnia and Herzegovina, pre-defined categories (Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats) were granted all political rights. At the same time, these rights are denied to all other citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,which are classified as "Others". [1], [2], [3]


Bosnians are looking for:

·      equal rights for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

·      the right to choose the national name (Bosanka/Bosanac) “Bosnian”.

·      the right of every citizen regardless of national identity to run for and be elected president of the state.  state. 

·      one Bosnia·      Bosnia and Herzegovina, one electoral unit. constituency.

That is why we invite you to contribute to the improvement of Bosnian society with your signature.

What we get from your positive response:

·      Support for the realization of necessary civil rights within the entire BiH.Bosnia and Herzegovina.

·      The process of restoring the mutual trust of citizens and restoring the policy of optimism and good neighborliness will be opened.

·      Bosnians outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina would participate more actively in the process of preserving the unity of all people originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This would potentially increase economic investment in BiH,Bosnia and Herzegovina, which would eventually lead to a reduction or even stop the outflow of population from BiH.Bosnia and Herzegovina.

·      The citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as to Bosnian women or men, would finally be getting a sense of dignity and belonging to their homeland.

·      Opening the way for the preservation of peace and respect among all countries in the region and beyond.

·      With enough number of your votes, we will have support that will enable us to take further steps to realize those set of goals. One of them is the introduction of the institution of the President instead of the Presidency of the State.

Let's say YES to unity, civil equality and the beauty of good neighborhood that has always been present in Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Bosnian Academic Society EU / European Union (BADEU)


˙[1]EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Sejdic and Finci v. Bosnia and Hercegovina: ;

[2] EuroNews, 29.08.2023: Bosnia and Herzegovina elections undemocratic, amplify ethnic divisions - Human Rights Court

[3] EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Zornic v. Bosnia and Hercegovina: )

Thank you for your support, Gesellschaft Bosnischer Akademiker in Europa, Wien 

New deadline: 01.05.2024
Signatures at the time of the change: 1,079

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