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Pilt petitsioonist Techbuzzard


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Committee on Petitions (Petitionsausschuß)
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Petitsioon viidi lõpule

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Petitsioon viidi lõpule

  1. Algatatud september 2022
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud
  4. Dialoog
  5. Lõppenud

Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, AZ Movies one of the major branches of philosophy. As a positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart. Along with 


Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, AZ Movies one of the major branches of philosophy. As a positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart. Along with 

Täname Teid toetuse eest

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poolt-argumenti veel pole.

vastu-argumenti veel pole.

Aidake tugevdada kodanikuosalust. Tahame teha Teie mured kuuldavaks, jäädes samas iseseisvaks.

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