Politica externă

OUTCRY: Stop the shocking cruelty in Libya!

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European Commission and European Parliament

114 Semnături

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114 Semnături

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  1. A început 2017
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. A eșuat

Petiția se adresează: European Commission and European Parliament

We demand the rescue of the innocent humans from the Libyan internment camps, and the instant closure of those internment camps!

At the european border are humans detained in libyan internment camps, to stop them from fleeing to Europe. What happens in this internment camps was described by Joanne Liu, president of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without borders), as the incarnation of human cruelty as its extreme. Humiliation, torture and rape, even pregnant women, is the daily reality of these men, women and children.

WE DEMAND, the immediate stopp of this cruelty in Libya and radical measures by the governments of the european leaders! All reason claims:

  1. The immediate rescue of these men, women and children!
  2. Shelter fit for human habitation (f.e. under the aegis of UN/EU)
  3. The incarceration and indictment, of all people which are accused in this premises, due to the International Criminal Court!


In Libya are different armed groups and several governments, which are controlling different parts of Libya. The following described events are happening within the internment camps of that libyan territory, which is supported by the governments of the EU countries to hold off refugees from Europe.

Joanne Liu, president of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without borders), at 13.09.2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o9w2Xe7tEc, wording:

What I saw in Libya, is what I would describe as the incarnation of human cruelty as its extreme. I was deeply shocked and I remain really shocked. MSF has been working in what we called detention centres in Libya for the last year. People for the sole "crime" of wanting a better life are piled up, parked in dark rooms with no ventilation, 30 cm square. Unable to even stretch their legs - for days. Starved to illness. And then people looking at me with desperation in their eyes and just whispering: "Get me out of here!" I have heard stories that will hunt me for days if not years. Stories of a pregnant woman who was forced to stand in the middle of the backyard, on one foot, under the sun, until she fell of exhaustion. And that very same woman told me, she said: "But my story is not the worst. There was a man who was hung with his hands up, beaten publicly and then afterwards they reached for his wife who was pregnant and they raped her in a different room." And then she looked at me and she said: "They don´t even respect pregnant women." Torture, abuse, humiliation, public punishment. We read them, and just move on. Going to Libya for me, put stories in pictures behind those words. And knowing what we know, that we keep building and creating policies, that are trapping individuals in this kind of nightmarish environment.

Every nation, every government that is faciliating to send back people to Libya or to keep them contained in Libya, is complicit to massive, massive abuses on human beings.

- (Joanne Liu, International President of Médecins Sans Frontières -MSF, or Doctors Without Borders)

Further information: https://www.facebook.com/MrVegasMusic/photos/pcb.10155918769734486/10155918769479486/?type=3&theater

(German): http://www.daserste.de/information/wissen-kultur/ttt/sendung/sendung-vom-09072017-102.html

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Informații privind petiția

Petiția a început: 26.11.2017
Petiția se încheie: 25.01.2018
Regiune: Uniunea Europeană
categorie: Politica externă

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