Regione: Danija
Gyvūnų teisės

Close Denmarks Mink Farms forever

Pareiškėjas nėra viešas
Peticija adresuota
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen

Peticija pabaigta


Peticija pabaigta

  1. Pradėta 2020
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta
  4. Dialogas
  5. Baigta

Keep mink farms closed forever!

The Danish government will slaughter millions of mink at more than 1,000 farms, citing concerns that a mutation in the novel coronavirus that has infected the mink could possibly interfere with the effectiveness of a vaccine for humans.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen made the announcement at a news conference on Wednesday. There are 15 million or more mink in Denmark, which is one of the world’s major exporters of mink furs. She said the armed forces would be involved in the culling of mink.

Sign the petition and remind Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that mink farming is totally outdated and that Denmark should keep the farms closed forever!


Nobody needs mink fur on their jacket!

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