Область : Австрія
Зображення петиції Include **Childcare Reimbursement** in FWF's Female Career Support Programs

Include **Childcare Reimbursement** in FWF's Female Career Support Programs

Позивач/ позивачка не публічний(-а)
Петиція адресована
FWF Firnberg/Richter-program

87 підписи

Петиція було відкликано позивачем

87 підписи

Петиція було відкликано позивачем

  1. Розпочато 2018
  2. Збір завершено
  3. Надіслано
  4. Діалог
  5. Невдалий

15.01.2020, 01:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

12.12.2018, 22:18

added: not only reimbursement for double childcare costs when abroad but also for costs when fellow is away on research and children need additional daycare (beyond kindergarden/school) at home

Neuer Petitionstext: FWF's Hertha-Firnberg and Elise-Richter-programs support "highly qualified female scientists" who "strive for a university career". **One of the most important premises for female mobility and thus career prospects is childcare**
We, as fellows of FWF's highly competitive women career supporting programs see a need for sensibilisation regarding basic needs of woman researchers with children.
Thus, **we request** to add – **within our project budget** – at least the following reimbursement options:
1. **reimbursement of childcare for research stays abroad**/beyond stays** abroad/beyond our main workplace (babysitter, kindergarden, school, daycare)
daycare) + additional babysitter expenses while female researchers are on research trips and children stay at home
2. covering living expenses including children traveling with us (the *Revisionsstelle* fully reimburses costs of a research stay abroad, but ironically reimburses them only partly if a child (with no additional costs) is travelling with us)
3. and/or **raising the age for child allowance**

Neue Begründung: Main aims of FWF's Hertha-Firnberg and Elise-Richter-programs are the "improvement of the career prospects for women" and "support at the start of their scientific career or on its resumption following maternity leave". With the help of these specific programs, women researchers should strive for "international mobility" and "international network" to enable a scientific career.
**One of the most important premises for female mobility and thus career prospects is childcare**
- However, these programs currently provide child allowance only until the 3rd birthday of the child (children older than 3 years apparently don't cost anymore)
- They do not reimburse childcare-costs for research-stays abroad - it is not possible to invoice double double/additional childcare costs as often incurred during short stays abroad.
- Therefore, fellows are constantly confronted with the costs for regular childcare at their work place plus the additional childcare when compelled to bring children along on research stays/conferences.
stays/conferences and/or leave them under daycare while female researcher is away.
Thus, we request to add – **within our project budget!** – the above mentioned reimbursement options.
With your signature you make sure that FWF's female career programs match the needs of highly qualified female researchers with children in international academia. Taking a child on a research trip is a difficult decision requiring careful consideration and planning, and it is mostly done due to lack of an alternative! It does not have anything in common with holiday and recreation.
**Please support female researchers with children to enable their scientific career with your signature**

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 29

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