Região: Chino Hills

Term Limits for 91709 - November 2024!

A petição é dirigida a
City Council
45 Apoiador

Colecta finalizada

45 Apoiador

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado fevereiro 2024
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Sometimes change is required to bring in fresh ideas. Career politicians whether at the local or national level can sometimes feel they can do anything or pass any laws/policies because they're not afraid of being ousted due to financial influence of businesses or wealthy individuals. Any individual at any level of politics here in the U.S.A are to be elected by the people they are to serve for the greater good of the people because in the end they are called to be public servants; they are to be humble servants and not tyrants or prideful dictators

Ajude a fortalecer a participação cívica. Queremos que as suas preocupações sejam ouvidas, permanecendo independentes.

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