Mediu inconjurator

No Helicopter Tours Near Homes On North Beach

Petiția se adresează
Paulette Guajardo
13% atins 500 pentru ținta de colectare
13% atins 500 pentru ținta de colectare
  1. A început 06.04.2024
  2. Colecția încă > 4 săptămâni
  3. Supunere
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Sunt de acord ca datele mele să fie stocate . Eu decid cine poate vedea sprijinul meu. Pot revoca acest consimțământ în orice moment .


Helicopter rides can be interesting and fun but I don't think the helicopter should be taking off/landing in our North Beach. North Beach is a small area with residents who appreciate the calm beach and peaceful birding, fishing, kiteboarding and kayaking. The helicopter will be too noisy, too close to the residents. Helicopters also create so much wind that would stir up the loose sand/dirt we have here that could cause difficulty for drivers and an unpleasant experience for residents who take walks or bike. Furthermore, the area of take off and landing is way too close to the feeder and exit of Hwy 181 and could cause traffic distraction. Additionally, TIRZ or public money should be used for projects that stimulate an area with more potential than to just help one business. Has the helicopter company provided a thorough business plan? Would this be a good investment for the city to fund? Does this company have a successful plan presented with facts and financial figures to back up their request? I believe the city needs to invest in the infrastructure and beautification of North Beach to stimulate growth for many businesses to come in that attract the locals and toursist to spend their money here on repeat entertainment and pleasure. How many times would the same customer come to take such a helicopter ride in comparison to a tourist coming each spring break to stay in one of our hotels, enjoy the beach, visit one of our museums that offer changing exhibits and then of course hopefully eat here on North Beach.

The helicopters will be flying over a congested area, structures where many residents reside. groups of people on the beach, heavy vehicle traffic adjacent to the landing and tacking off the helicopter pat. There are really strong winds at times and we have many really foggy mornings in North Beach. This presents a real safety concern to the area. The pollution of noise, oil leakage from the aircraft are others problems. I do not believe that the FAA will allow the aircraft business to be operating in close proximity to a heavy congested area.

The proposed site of the helicopter poses a safety hazard to residents, traffic and those enjoying the expected canal and associated parks. I don’t believe the TIRZ has been adequately briefed by the business owner nor presented with a business plan. I am all for development of North Beach, but in a responsible and safe manner.

The Helicopter is very loud. Last week the noise sounded as if the thing was right on top of my house and a guest and I were unable to hear each other as the helicopter stayed near shore. It is too close to my home and I’m a block inland from the shore. Also, it flies where kite surfing occurs which is beautiful to watch and the sport makes no noise.

concerns. First off, the location is close to the state highway 181 and the new off ramp. It seems to me that would cause a distraction for vehicle passing by causing serious problems. I have seen cars parked illegally to watch aircraft, even on interstate highways. I am also concerned about the hazardous waste produced by aircraft. I have never seen a leak free aircraft. What is your plan for hazardous waste cleanup? Where will the helicopter be parked after hours, will it stay on North Beach all the time during tourist season? Where will it be refueled? If on North Beach, will there be a truck or bladder storage system? What are your emergency plans for fuel spillage? Will the refueling be hot pit refueling (refueling while aircraft is still running)? Refueling requires fire protection. Will there be a fire truck parked near the landing pad, if so, will it contain aircraft foam retardant? Are you providing a parking area for tourist, or will us locals have to deal with it? Will repairs and servicing of the aircraft be done on North Beach? I have so many more questions, but I will save them.
I am also upset that we are using taxpayers' money to fund this endeavor. If this operation needs money to get started, how are they going to finance repairs (airworthiness) on these helicopters? It seems to me corners will be cut in maintenance, and I am concerned about the safety of these flights. With as many takeoffs and landings they will be making it seems to me it will only be a matter of time until something happens, especially if there is more than one aircraft.

I like so many others, live full-time on the beach and the sound of a helicopter in and out and overhead seems like way more traffic than we need in our skies. We already have a lot of planes that fly over but they're sporadic. They're not conditioned to do it multiple times a day. I guess the question would be would you put this two blocks from your house?

Having a helicopter ride company in a serene beach community with condos and retirement homes might not be ideal for several reasons. First, the constant noise of helicopters coming and going every 15 minutes would disrupt the tranquility that people come to the beach to enjoy. This could lead to complaints from residents and visitors alike, impacting the reputation and ambiance of the area.

There are also safety concerns to consider. Helicopters flying low over residential areas pose potential risks to the safety of both residents and tourists.. Accidents or mechanical failures could result in serious consequences for those living nearby or visiting.

Additionally, the presence of helicopters could deter potential homebuyers or renters who value peace and quiet, potentially affecting property values and the overall appeal of the community.

Overall, while helicopter rides might seem like an exciting attraction, the negative impact on the quality of life and safety of residents in a beach community outweighs the benefits.

It’s important to have peaceful, cohesive neighborhoods, where people look out for one another and enjoy their homes.
Economic development is great, but not if it hurts the very thing that it’s trying to help.
Helicopter trips are fun, but loud. I think it would disturb our peace.

It will be a happier, healthier city as citizens back one another up when it comes to maintaining peaceful neighborhoods.

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