Région: Goleta

Allow Meal Swipe Transfers Between Students

La pétition est adressée à
UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang
17 Soutien
3% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
17 Soutien
3% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
  1. Lancé 13/04/2024
  2. Recueillir 6 semaines
  3. Soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

J'accepte que mes données soient stockées . Je décide qui peut voir mon soutien. Je peux révoquer ce consentement à tout moment .


I was admitted into the hospital once in my freshmen year because of insufficient food for a week. It impacted my academic performance and worsened my anxiety to the point of me almost dropping out. It was also devastating news to my family and friends. I don't wish for anyone else to go through what I did and I believe that allowing meal swipe transfers will be a great way for people to help others.

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