Stop funding the security costs for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and remove her Duchess title

Peticija buvo užblokuota dėl naudojimo sąlygų nesilaikymo.
Peticijos, neatitinkančios Naudojimo sąlygas yra nutraukiamos ir nebėra viešai prieinamos.

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Peticijos, kuriose pateikiami melagingi faktų teiginiai, trūksta šaltinių arba klaidinantis atitinkamų faktų nutylėjimas, bus nutrauktos. openPetition pasilieka teisę vėliau prašyti šaltinių ginčytinais atvejais arba papildyti esminius faktus.

The openPetition editorial asks to provide proof of assumptions made: - "The millions of pounds estimated per year for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's private security (currently estimated at £20 million per year)" -"Meghan Markle also has shown great disrespect to Her Majesty The Queen on numerous occasions, and has proven that she intended to trademark and monetize her Royal titles." - " They wish to be independent, but do not practice what they preach. Their disruptive and disrespectful statements made in the media" Also, Boris Johnson is the wrong recipient of this petition. You must choose a recipient with decision-making competencies for your cause.

Peticijos iniciatoriui buvo pranešta apie openPetition redaktorių pažeidimus dėl naudojimosi sąlygų ir jis turėjo penkias dienas peticijai peržiūrėti. Taip neatsitiko. Todėl peticija buvo užblokuota.

Peticijos tekstas

British tax payers should not fund the private security costs of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after March 31st 2020. Once they are no longer Senior Royals and become 'independent', they should also, in effect, take the responsibility for their own protection abroad, since they no longer are working royals or representing Her Majesty The Queen, in the UK or abroad. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have sufficient private funds to do so, and should follow in the footsteps of other grandchildren of Her Majesty The Queen, who work outside the institution and pay for their own security, except while attending official functions. Her Majesty’s descendants Peter, Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie for instance, all work outside “The Firm” and fund their own private security.

Security payments come out of the Police budget, which are tax funded. The millions of pounds estimated per year for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's private security (currently estimated at £20 million per year) can be better spent on people in need, i.e., repairing the healthcare system, helping the homeless, veterans, the unemployed, etc. We do not want to spend so much money on multi-millionaires who no longer work as Royals or represent Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Meghan Markle also has shown great disrespect to Her Majesty The Queen on numerous occasions, and has proven that she intended to trademark and monetize her Royal titles. In order to protect the Firm and the Royal Institution, her title of Duchess of Sussex should thus be revoked. This should prevent Meghan Markle from turning her royal connection into a 'brand' and attaching her royal status to moneymaking projects around the globe; using the institution of the Monarchy for personal gain.

There is growing unrest and disapproval in the UK regarding the behaviour of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. They wish to be independent, but do not practice what they preach. Their disruptive and disrespectful statements made in the media about the much loved and long reigning Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, has greatly angered the public. There is also widespread disapproval of the public footing the bill for Prince Harry and Meghan Markles private security, once they will step back from royal duties after March 31st 2020. Their acts of registering and trademarking their royal name and their plans to monetize it commercially, has also upset the public. In order to protect the monarchy and keep up the love and respect for the British Royal Family, actions must be taken. Stop funding the security costs for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and remove her Duchess of Sussex title.

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