1,662 signatures
Petition is addressed to: he Current Government and the Select Committee who vet the nominees and Sir Chris Wormald current head of the Civil service and chair of the Honours Committee
I cannot think of a less deserving man than Sadiq Khan to be offered Knight of The Realm. Please sign this petition to stop this ludicrous reward to a, in my opinion, most undeserving man who has been uneconomical with the truth on numerous occasions.
A knight of the realm is a man who has been given the title of knighthood by the British monarch, usually in recognition of a significant contribution to their field or service to the country. A Knight of the Realm must be seen as honourable and trustworthy, I believe this is m, making a mockery of our honours system and is a clear sign that Keir Starmer does not have his fingers on the pulse of the nation.
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United Kingdom
Civil rights
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Why people sign
Because I belive Sadiq Khan has destroyed London, with the knife crime and the Ulez.
It is no longer a place I would visit and I am devastated at what that man has done! He comes across a person who hates the British people! How he can even be considered for this is beyond me!
He doesn't deserve this knighthood
He has destroyed British heritage
History has gone
People are not save to Walk the streets no more
Because he is a crook stabbings at an all time high and your telling the public this behaviour is ok. GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE WE ALL KNOW WHOS VOTING FOR HIM!!!
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I'm patriotic to my country and it's values.