
No more coal! No more oil! Keep the carbon in the soil!

Петиція адресована
Parliament of the United Kingdom
1 прихильник

Збір завершено

1 прихильник

Збір завершено

  1. Розпочато листопада 2023
  2. Збір завершено
  3. Підготувати подання
  4. Діалог із одержувачем
  5. Рішення

Our goal is to stop all fossil fuel emissions produced by humans and to make sure that the next generation has a bright future ahead. We believe that any goal can be achieved through nonviolent action and civil disobedience in the UK.


Action must be taken to ensure that younger people can have a brighter future and that our precious home will not be destroyed. This petition is important because we want to SPEAK OUT to the government and make them realise what is happening to our beautiful earth. Anyone can help no matter what they look like or what they do or what their personality shows. Everyone should be included!

Дякуємо за вашу підтримку, Luca Warwick з fp, Lytham St Anne’s, England, UK.
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