
Give Klopp an Honorary Doctorate, University of Liverpool!

La pétition est adressée à
Senior Management, University of Liverpool
2 Soutien
0% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
2 Soutien
0% atteint 500 objectifs de collecte
  1. Lancé 01/05/2024
  2. Recueillir > 6 semaines
  3. Soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

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Give Jürgen Klopp an honorary doctorate, University of Liverpool.

Following nearly a decade of service to Liverpool Football Club, which has seen the club's prospects transformed, and following a decade of service to the city of Liverpool, it's people, communities and culture, and having served as a brand ambassador for the city worldwide, we move that Jürgen Klopp be honoured with a doctorate for contributions to sport, culture and society in Liverpool and beyond.


Jürgen has not only raised the aspirations and achievements of LFC, but he has made a huge impact on the game of football, introducing scientifically underpinned, strategically sophisticated approach to the modern game. He is widely cited as having 'made a huge contribution' generally to the Premiere League and as being 'one of the world's leading' coaches and managers.

Jürgen has invested a huge amount of time in developing young, often local talent at LFC, putting in place and developing young players, though also infrastructure, processes and programmes that will outlast his tenure as manager and will ensure the future success of the club in sporting, financial and cultural terms.

Jürgen has made a huge contribution to curating the history of the club and its community-focussed values, demonstrating that a football club is as much a social and cultural institution, as it is a business and a sporting team.

Jürgen has promoted, though his community work a range of values, including: disability awareness, intercultural sensitivity, social mobility. He has helped to transform football into an inclusive sport, further pushing back against misogyny, patriarchy, racism, Islamophobia. Instances of Islamophobia are widely cited as dropping off in the city and in football, not least due to the role played by Mohammed Salah and Jürgen's careful curation of a culture respectful of diverse heritages.

Merci pour votre soutien, James Hodkinson de LL, St Neots
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