Region: Londyn

Creation of a web directory of a unified database of boarding houses in the United Kingdom.

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Petycja została zakończona

  1. Rozpoczęty 2021
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Zakończone

In light of the fact that the world is developing in the field of it. And there is a globalization of technologies, we citizens of Great Britain want from the authorities to organize the launch and further support of a project to create a single web database of nursing homes in the United Kingdom.


There are various examples in the world when there is a single database of nursing homes that can devote a person and give him a transparent understanding of any area of ​​life! We believe that homes for the elderly are also one of the important areas in the life of any citizen of the UK! Many people are faced with uncontested choices of how to place their relatives / parents in eldest homes. But they have many questions, including how and where the nursing homes are located.A common base should help and guide ordinary citizens in the right direction and give a simple idea about the structure and life of the organization! If you look at the practices of our neighbors, then various web directories were able to succeed with them, you can take such a popular site as or 
We believe that the state should take responsibility for this and control it! We hope for your signatures, they should help! Do not stand aside!

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