
Brighton Is Descending Into Chaos With The Green Party's Obsession With Cycle Lanes

Peticionario no público.
Petición a.
Phelim Mac Cafferty
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  1. Iniciado 2020
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Presentado.
  4. Diálogo
  5. Fracasado

Recently, through a local scandal in the Labour Party, the Green Party seized unelected power in Brighton & Hove and have taken over the City Council. Immediately upon taking power they have set about implementing dangerous and chaotic cycle lanes throughout the city without consultation.

They have taken away overnight, hundreds of paid parking spaces, costing tens of thousands per month in lost revenue which subsidised busses and paid for concession transport.

We want Brighton to be placed in Special Measures by central government to stop this madness and ensure proper consultation takes place. It is a matter now of public record, reported on a daily basis, that the city is gridlocked as a result of these actions and now Emergency Services are involved in this gridlock.

We are horrified that they are now planning four more cycle lanes in a city that is a holiday destination and is simply not built to cope with this. Again, there is no public say in this politically led matter.


Brighton is a seaside destination and is also a home to 300,000 people. With no park and ride facility, it is essential that parking exists for visitors and residents alike. Every single public street in the city is metered or zoned without exception.

The Green party have removed huge numbers of much needed spaces overnight and left visitors and residents with no ability to park, in an ill thought out, chaotic repainting of road markings, entirely aimed against motorists when there are already adequate cycle lanes on the wide pavements. This is causing misery to residents, misery to tourists and is totally unacceptable.

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