Regiune: Havering

Against enforcement cameras at schools

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Havering Council
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  1. A început octombrie 2022
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. Terminat

I'm petitioning against local councils in regards to enforcement cameras they have been putting up at local schools I feel they are totally unlawful & unfair & all just for revenue I've been a victim of the havering councils enforcement cameras & unknown to my knowledge I've never known this to be a legal enforcement & there for totally unlawful & uneciptable behavior with no thought to parents just taking there children to school & deliberately attacking parents just for gain & revenue & to build a school with no possible way of dropping your child into school without running the risk of having a parking ticket as its all residential aswel as there enforcement cameras facing directly into the school Rd & when you have children with autism & adhd it's the parent or carers duty to insure they get into school safely & without being penilised in doing so this needs to be addressed to all councils that I believe are all following suit in doing these unlawful changes that do affect families financially due to these changes the councils feel they can do & get away with well sorry but it's totally wrong on all families with young children just going about there normal life's in the interest of our children's education & this needs to be addressed promptly to enable families with children with or without disabilities to take there children to school without these penalties that our local councils are doing action needs to be taken now against the local councils as hardship is bad enough without unlawful councils defrauding money out of the public & abusing there authority enough is enough. 


I'm petitioning against local councils in regards to enforcement cameras they have been putting up at local schools I feel they are totally unlawful & unfair & all just for revenue I've been a victim of the havering councils enforcement cameras & unknown to my knowledge I've never known this to be a legal enforcement & there for totally unlawful & uneciptable behavior with no thought to parents just taking there children to school & deliberately attacking parents just for gain & revenue & to build a school with no possible way of dropping your child into school without running the risk of having a parking ticket as its all residential aswel as there enforcement cameras facing directly into the school Rd & when you have children with autism & adhd it's the parent or carers duty to insure they get into school safely & without being penilised in doing so this needs to be addressed to all councils that I believe are all following suit in doing these unlawful changes that do affect families financially due to these changes the councils feel they can do & get away with well sorry but it's totally wrong on all families with young children just going about there normal life's in the interest of our children's education & this needs to be addressed promptly to enable families with children with or without disabilities to take there children to school without these penalties that our local councils are doing action needs to be taken now against the local councils as hardship is bad enough without unlawful councils defrauding money out of the public & abusing there authority enough is enough. 

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