Weed like to talk

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
European Commission
0 Unterstützende 0 in Europäische Union

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

0 Unterstützende 0 in Europäische Union

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet 2013
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

Dies ist eine Europäische Bürgerinitiative.

A European solution to a European issue : legalizing cannabis. The ECI Weed like to talk aims at making the EU adopt a common policy on the control and regulation of cannabis production, use and sale. There is currently a heterogeneous legal map as regards cannabis policies in the EU. The question of coherence and discrimination is worth asking. A common policy on the control and regulation of cannabis production, use and sale would: (a) ensure equality before the law and non-discrimination of all EU citizens; (b) protect consumers and monitor health security; (c) end cannabis trafficking. Let’s leap toward the legalization of cannabis and the harmonization of national legislations accross the EU.

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