Retaining European Citizenship

Заявитель не публичный
Петиция адресована к
European Commission
0 Поддерживающий 0 через Европейский союз

Петиция была завершена

0 Поддерживающий 0 через Европейский союз

Петиция была завершена

  1. Начат 2017
  2. Сбор закончен
  3. Отправлено
  4. Диалог
  5. Законченно

Это европейская гражданская инициатива.

Retaining European Citizenship as conferred under the Treaties. To uphold the right of Union citizens to move and reside freely within the territory of Member States under objective conditions of freedom and dignity (Directive 2004/38/EC), and to safeguard citizens of the Union from use as bargaining chips in negotiations under Article 50 TEU, requests the Commission submit a proposal to retain the rights of EU citizenship for all those who have already exercised their freedom of movement prior to the departure of a Member State leaving the Union, and for those nationals of a departing State who wish to retain their status as citizens of the Union.

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