
On the safety of the Tihange 2 Nuclear Power Station 

Petice je adresována
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
6 6 v Evropská unie

Sbírka byla dokončena

6 6 v Evropská unie

Sbírka byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena 2020
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Připravit podání
  4. Dialog s příjemcem
  5. Rozhodnutí

Toto je petice online Evropského parlamentu .


The petitioner is concerned about the safety of the Tihange 2 Nuclear Power Station and about the fact that only the relevant country decides about shutting down a Nuclear Power Station despite of the fact that there is a European Nuclear Energy Agency. In the case of an incident, the radiation would not stop at the national border. In the opinion of the petitioner, the number of people at risk may be much higher in neighbouring countries than in the country where the Nuclear Power Station is located.

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