On the establishment of a European Parliament special committee of inquiry into the functioning of the Polish public prosecution service 

Petícia je zameraná na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
7 7 v Európska únia

Zbierka bola ukončená

7 7 v Európska únia

Zbierka bola ukončená

  1. Zahájená 2019
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Pripravte na odovzdanie
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

Toto je online petícia Európskeho parlamentu .


The petitioner calls for a special committee of inquiry to be set up to look into alleged problems with the functioning of the Polish public prosecution service. The petitioner maintains that citizens’ rights are being breached in Poland as a result of the unconstitutional changes that have been made to the legal order since the current Polish government came to power in 2015. The issues raised by the petitioner include the merger of the offices of Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice, and the politicisation of law enforcement agencies.

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