
On the conversion of the professional category of Administrative Assistant to the category of Administrator in Spain 

Петиция адресована к
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
21 Поддерживающий 21 через Европейский союз

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21 Поддерживающий 21 через Европейский союз

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Это онлайн-петиция Европейского парламента .


The petitioner claims that auxiliary staff of public administrations in Spain should come under the same category as administrators, in accordance with what the petitioner believes the European Union has established. The petitioner points out that there is total homogeneity and that the functions of the two categories are identical, and as such there can be no difference in the recognition of entitlements or basic pay. The petitioner considers that the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination must be enforced when the provision of services is the same, resulting in the same quality of output and equal pay.

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