On the alleged violation ofenvironmental EU law by an unhealthy industry in Borgo Val di Taro (PR), Italy 

Lūgumraksta iesniedzējs
Petīcija ir adresēta
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
69 Atbalstošs 69 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

69 Atbalstošs 69 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

  1. Sākās 2019
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Sagatavojiet iesniegšanu
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Šī ir tiešsaistes petīcija Eiropas Parlamenta priekšsēdētājs ,

The petitioner denounces the serious health problems allegedly caused to the citizens of Borgo Val di Taro, and in particular the children attending the local school, since at the end of 2016, Laminam, a ceramics factory, started operating in the immediate vicinity. He denounces in particular the onset of discomfort and in some cases real illness, including reddened eyes, headache, rashes, asthma and respiratory problems. According to the local paediatrician, there is a correlation of these symptoms with the perception of a bad smell by all the pupils he examined, and in his view the possibility that such symptoms are due to irritants present in the air should not be underestimated. The petitioner deplores the belated action of the regional authorities, who announced on 16 August 2018 that Laminam would be subject to an environmental impact assessment, but deplores that this procedure does not seem to require a health impact assessment.The petitioner claims that the above situation constitutes a breach of Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Directive 2014/52/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

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