On the alleged illegal recruitment of temporary civil servants by the Spanish public authorities 

Petiția se adresează
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
31 31 in Uniunea Europeană

Colectia terminata

31 31 in Uniunea Europeană

Colectia terminata

  1. A început 2019
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Pregătiți depunerea
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Aceasta este o petiție online al Parlamentului European .


The petitioner complains that, together with many other temporary civil servants of various Spanish public administrations, he is subject to labour discrimination prohibited by Council Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP. The petitioner denounces the stability pact signed with the trade unions by the previous Spanish Government as the biggest labour force adjustment plan in Europe.

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