Mediu inconjurator

On the alleged declining environmental protection and nature conservation in Hungary 

Petiția se adresează
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
11 de susținere 11 in Uniunea Europeană

Colectia terminata

11 de susținere 11 in Uniunea Europeană

Colectia terminata

  1. A început 2019
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Pregătiți depunerea
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Aceasta este o petiție online al Parlamentului European .


The petitioner complains about the alleged systemic and negligent deterioration of the legislative and institutional framework of environmental protection in Hungary. He gives a detailed account of the various factors which, in his opinion, have led to the serious decline of environmental protection and nature conservation in his country and claims that Hungary is unable to meet the objectives set in the EU’s 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) or to comply with its duties under Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds and Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.

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