Hayvan hakları

On the alleged cruel treatment of dogs in Cyprus 

Dilekçe sahibi
Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
44 Destekleyici 44 İçinde Avrupa Birliği

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

44 Destekleyici 44 İçinde Avrupa Birliği

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

  1. Başladı 2019
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderime hazırla
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

Bu bir çevrimiçi dilekçedir Avrupa Parlamentosu .

The petitioner denounces the allegedly cruel treatment of hunting dogs in Cyprus, estimated at 125.000, most of which are kept in cages located in home courtyards, close to dwellings, further afield in the fields and in the mountain area and which can be heard constantly barking, at times continuously for up to 5 hours. She claims that animal protection authorities will not act as long as the dogs get water and food.

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