
On behalf of Forocoches, on the need for legislation in the European Union on advertising relating to gambling 

Vetoomuksen esittäjä
Vetoomus on osoitettu
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
5 Tukeva 5 sisään Euroopan unioni

Keräys valmis

5 Tukeva 5 sisään Euroopan unioni

Keräys valmis

  1. Aloitti 2019
  2. Keräys valmis
  3. Valmistele hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Tämä on online-vetoomus Euroopan parlamentin .

näytä Suomen Vetoomus

The petitioner recalls that many years ago legislation was adopted in the EU on advertising for alcoholic drinks, tobacco and even pornography, and says that similar laws are now needed for advertising relating to gambling, whether this refers to betting shops, casinos, online casinos or games of chance of any kind. He points out that more and more people are suffering from mental health problems that are connected with gambling, and that it is not just the person so afflicted who suffers but everyone around him or her.

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