On an alleged corruption in Bulgarian courts and violation of the right to a fair trial 

A petíció címzettje
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
16 Támogató 16 -ban,-ben Európai Unió

A gyűjtés befejeződött

16 Támogató 16 -ban,-ben Európai Unió

A gyűjtés befejeződött

  1. Indított 2019
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Készítse elő a benyújtást
  4. Párbeszéd a címzettel
  5. Döntés

Ez egy online petíció az Európai Parlament .


The petitioner claims that there is corruption in Bulgarian courts and that public institutions are not effective. He also claims that debtors are being convicted in closed-door court hearings and are not afforded full legal protections to guarantee a proper right of defence. The petitioner alleges that a special storage room in the Sofia Regional Court contains archives of all private civil cases, including his case. The petitioner is calling on the European institutions to perform a thorough inspection of such storage rooms and the cases of many other Bulgarian citizens whose rights have been violated by the courts and private bailiffs.

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