Europe CARES - Inclusive Quality Education for Children with Disabilities

Peticionario no público.
Petición a.
European Commission
0 Apoyo 0 En. Unión Europea

El proceso de petición ha terminado.

0 Apoyo 0 En. Unión Europea

El proceso de petición ha terminado.

  1. Iniciado 2019
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Presentado.
  4. Diálogo
  5. Terminado

Se trata de una iniciativa ciudadana europea.

The right to inclusive education of children and adults with disabilities within the European Union Over 70 million EU citizens have a disability and 15 million children have special educational needs. Children and adults with disabilities are facing excessive barriers in exercising their right to quality inclusive education. Many are placed in segregated institutions and those in mainstream educational settings often receive inadequate support. We call on the EC to draft a bill on a common EU framework of inclusive education, which will ensure that no child is left behind when it comes to early intervention services, education and transition towards the labor market.

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