EU Citizenship for Europeans: United in Diversity in Spite of jus soli and jus sanguinis

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European Commission
0 0 v Európska únia

Petícia bola uzatvorená

0 0 v Európska únia

Petícia bola uzatvorená

  1. Zahájená 2017
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Predložené
  4. Dialóg
  5. Hotový

Toto je iniciatíva Európskeho občianstva .

The nature and purpose of Citizenship of the Union, particularly in relation to nationality. Withdrawal of Member State from the Union and its effects. Citizens’ Rights guaranteed by EU Law. Article 20 TFEU states “Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to and not replace national citizenship.” The CJEU has also asserted that “Citizenship of the Union is intended to be the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States” and that Article 20 TFEU precludes national measures that deprive citizens of the Union of the genuine enjoyment of the substance of rights conferred by status as citizens of the Union. Thus, facing Brexit, citizenship and nationality must be separated.

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