
Open Letter to the EU demanding support for the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the COVID-19 crisis

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Петиция адресована к
European Commission; EU Member States
8 599 Поддерживающий

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8 599 Поддерживающий

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04.04.2020, 20:17

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A few days before we will send the Open Letter to the European Commission and the EU Member States, we are happy to announce that 103 MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) have signed the letter and support the cause of the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) and so many authors, artists and creators all over Europe - and of the few thousand citizens who already support this petition.

Attached you find the detailed list of MEPs who signed.

Ordered by political groups, these are the numbers:
- European People's Party: 4 signatures (of 187 MEPs)
- Socialists & Democrats: 30 signatures (of 147 MEPs)
- Renew Europe: 20 signatures (of 98 MEPs)
- Identity & Democracy: 0 signatures (of 76 MEPs)
- Greens/European Free Alliance: 34 signatures (of 67 MEPs)
- Conservatives & Reformists: 3 signatures (of 61 MEPs)
- European United Left / Nordic Green Left: 11 signatures (of 39 MEPs)
- Non-attached Members: 1 signature (of 29 MEPs)

While the Open Letter will be sent next week, this petition will of course continue to run in order to show that also the public stands behind our demands for the CCS and its creators.

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