Kraj : International

Samsung Note 7 green battery icon

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6 podpisy

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6 podpisy

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  1. Zahájena 2016
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

Petice je adresována: Samsung

We would like to have the white battery icon back, or at least make an option to switch back to it from the green one.


The green battery icon is against the design rules of Google and no other flagship phone has it in 2016. We know that Samsung has a workaround for this rule, but we want a flagship phone which accepts the material design guidelines.

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Petice zahájena: 20. 09. 2016
Petice končí: 17. 10. 2016
Kraj : International
kategorie : Hospodářství


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